July 6, 2018
People from across the US and around the world watched Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Program (Rochester, MN) leaders present their latest research findings at the National 5K SCADaddle© for Research event in Illinois on June 2 . This year’s presentation was streamed through our Facebook page.
If you missed the presentation or want to watch it again, go to our SCAD Research Inc Facebook page under Videos. The presentation including a Q&A is about 2 hrs. long. This year we were honored to have all three leaders: Drs. Sharonne Hayes, Rajiv Gulati (Cath Lab) and Timothy Olson (Genetics) join us along with a number others from Mayo. Lots of exciting information was presented that you won’t want to miss.
SCAD Research, Inc has raised and donated a total of $635,000 to Mayo Clinic to help advance research on SCAD. SCAD Research, Inc. provides the highest level of support for Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Program’s work second only to Mayo Clinic itself.