July 7, 2018
We have had a number of requests for the 2018 progress report by Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Report. This report was put together for SCAD Research, Inc. and indicates some of the accomplishments funded by money donated by us. SCAD Research, Inc. provides the highest level of support for Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Program’s work second only to Mayo Clinic itself.
Click 2018 SRI Mayo SCAD Research Benefactor Report for an online version of the report.
Hardcopies of the entire report were distributed at the National 5K SCADaddle© for Research event in IL to survivors and SCAD Angel families. The report will also be available at upcoming 5Ks in PA (Aug. 11), CA (Sept. 8) and MN (Sept. 22).
5K SCADaddles© are our major fundraisers. For details on upcoming 5K weekends, click SCADaddle schedule. To make a donation to SCAD Research, click donate.
SCAD Research, Inc is an all-volunteer organization that has raised and donated a total of $635,000 to Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Program since we started in 2011. Our 2018 goal is to exceed last year’s $200,000 to research.
Did you know that the vast majority of work performed by the Mayo Clinic SCAD team physicians such as coronary angiogram review, data review/analysis, grant writing, development of education materials and review/writing of manuscripts is conducted during volunteer time? Thank you to the Mayo Clinic SCAD Research Program for your dedication to finding answers about SCAD!