August 1, 2016
Eighteen years later… 40 years old, two kids, happy, healthy with no health risks… career mom, wife, active lifestyle with zest for life. ~SCAD February 1, 1999~
It was a normal Saturday… son had a basketball tournament and when my husband, our two boys and I departed to run errands until I started feeling that something was wrong. It was a cold rainy day in February and I had become very restless in the backseat. I was warm so I took off my top layer and rolled the window down to get some of that brisk air on my face. I didn’t feel right… warm, somewhat dizzy, a bit sleepy, hard time focusing then my left arm started tingling and that’s when my husband insisted that we go to the emergency room where I soon found out that I was in the middle of a heart attack. I’ll never forget those shocking words. It was hard to believe that was what was happening to me. They transferred me to a heart hospital for angioplasty. I had a another mild heart attack on the table as they were putting in (3) stints in my right coronary artery that lead to a inferior infarct. Another unusual thing happened to me. As they were removing the stink in my groin later that day… I flat lined. I came to surrounded by nurses with panic looks on their faces. I was off work (3) weeks doing physically therapy and healing. I soon got my life back to normal and have been fine since then but I’m most interested in learning more about SCAD and it’s long term affects.