March 10, 2017
My daughter, Sharon Kay was a 33-year-old wife and mother. She was a RN in school to become a nurse practitioner. On Friday, Feb. 24 at 1:45 a.m. we get a phone call from her husband. He says that KK is being transported by ambulance to the hospital for chest pains. Her Dad and I met them at the ER. After a chest x-ray, EKG and blood enzyme test, which were all normal, she was released. My daughter, her husband and daughter (2 year old daughter) go out of town for the weekend for a family funeral. They return Sunday. She goes to work Monday morning. I get a call from her husband saying he went to pick her up from work because she was complaining of chest pain, arm pain and felt like she was going to pass out. They return to the ER, where they run the same tests as the did on Friday. I talked to her 3 times on the phone while she was in the ER. She was telling me that she felt like her sternum was on fire and that her arm was hurting and she felt like she was going to pass out. She asked me to stay the night with her daughter, because they were going to keep her overnight. I left work, got my bag and headed to the ER. I did not make it in time. I have many questions about how this was undetected. HELP