December 20, 2012
I called EMs, then called nebighor to stay with 3 kids since my husband was out of town working. Non smoking, good shape, no history of heart problems EMS had trouble finding anything wrong. At hospital same thing, but on-call cardiologist did ECHO and found slight irregularity. Did 1st Catherterization and put in stent where they found a blockage. Still intense pain. Did Cath#2- found blockage too small to to anything. Still pain. Intern at Med. Univ. of SC found article on-line about preg. and post-partum women with coronary dissection and gave it to my attending cardiologist. CAth. #3 sent probe up thru stent and found LAD blow out on both sides. 2 stents put in where walls blown out, hoping they would grow over stents. 2 weeks later, out of hospital, on meds for several years, cardiac rehab for 3 months, held baby and children (all under 5 1/2). Now 48 (incident was 2001), healthy, on only baby asprin. Participated in 2 year study and received ECHOs and had blood drawn to study how enzymes in heart help it heal. End of study, my cardiologist showed angiograms to other card. without telling them of history normal heart was the discription. What happened? I am ok, but I remember every year in April. I try not to take life for granted, but I would like answers. Thanks for having this chance to connect with other women who have experienced the same thing. I could have used this connection 11 years ago and looked for it. Thanks again. I will participate in the study if accepted.