June 3, 2018
51 yr old mother of 3 grown sons, happily married for 32 years to my best friend and business partner, a heart attack was the furthest thing on my mind.
I had been diagnosed with a mild form of multiple sclerosis 11 years ago and managed to remain healthy and active, without even so much as an Advil let alone MS meds, through changes to lifestyle and eating habits. (2 days post SCAD a health indicator through a heart healthy website indicated I should live to 92 even with the heart attack!)
I couldn’t believe it when the emergency room doctor sat down, took my hand and told me I had experienced a heart attack. I was in shock. I had even sent my husband back to the office 1/2 hour prior as I was sure the chest tightness, hand and throat pain were just some random warning my body was throwing at me for whatever reason (perhaps I had worried too much about my ailing father). It couldn’t be my heart! I had just played in a day long golf tournament 2 weeks before, had walked 9 holes with friends less than a week before! Dumbfounded.
2 weeks into my new SCAD Survivor Suit fitting my hubby and I am starting to get our heads around it. I don’t think it has fully sunk in but we’re getting there and I’m getting a bit stronger every day. With the wisdom of other survivors and the love of family and friends I will someday rock this Survivor Suit and be able to help others through this traumatic experience. I may never understand…and that’s ok. I’m still here and the air seems a bit fresher and the colours a bit brighter through my Survivor’s eyes. I am blessed.