October 11, 2012
I had my first SCAD 7 days after the birth of my second child. I received a stent in my second diagonal. I had my second SCAD 17 days post partum and received 3 stents in my LAD. I had a third narrowing and was transported to a larger hospital because they feared it would dissect and it was very close to the left main. Even though most dissections travel south, with little known about SCAD, they were concerned it could go north and dissect my left main. After days in the hospital, they decided my chances for a reoccurring SCAD event were low enough for me to return home. Thankfully I did not suffer another SCAD event. The emotional and mental effect of SCAD was possibly worse than the events themselves (especially right after having a baby). If it were not for the Lord and my sweet family, I wouldn’t have done as well as I did. I was diagnosed with PTSD and take Paxil in addition to my Coreg CR, Effient, Aspirin (81mg) and Simvastatin. I am SO blessed to be alive and pretty much live my life like I did before except for a more grand appreciation for life!
This website is a blessing because I remember after I had my SCADs (August 2010), my sister and I searched the internet and I felt so very alone and scared. Now no other person will have to feel like that. They will be able to google SCAD and find this website. Such a blessing!! This is also great for doctors because I find myself educating doctors about SCAD when they read my medical history. I don’t mind doing it and know everyone has to learn somewhere but it is a little surreal. I have two beautiful little girls, ages 4 & 1, and I can’t help but think about becoming a grandmother one day. I can’t say I don’t have a little fear with that thought. Hopefully with this website and the Mayo study, there will be more information and preventative measures before they hit their 20’s. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for this website. I am SO sorry for your loss but I thank you that you fought on behalf of you mother and wife and by doing so have blessed many women (and men) and will also save lives by increasing awareness.
I was 29 at the time of my heart attacks. Healthy and very little heart issues (High BP but was told due to birth control, did have high blood pressure with 2nd pregnancy and took meds from 16 weeks until delivery). Also I had an uneventful delivery. Blood pressure readings were healthy before I was discharged so was not released with prescriptions.