Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

Second Annual 5K Walk/Fun Run for SCAD Research on May 4, 2013

February 26, 2013

SCAD Research will host its annual fundraising awareness walk in Naperville, IL, on Saturday, May 4, 2013, at Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve.

Patients, families, Mayo Clinic SCAD researchers, and SCAD Research Scientific Advisory Committee members are making plans to attend this action-packed weekend just outside of Chicago. Friday night features a reunion event for SCAD survivors congregating from all over the U.S. and Canada. Saturday morning at 9 a.m. CST, the Walk/Fun Run kicks off at the Springbrook Prairie pavilion. Post-walk activities include heart healthy snacks, fellowship, and a raffle.

The SCAD Research Scientific Advisory Committee will present an update to attendees Saturday afternoon at Edwards Hospital, which has generously donated space for the conference. Topics will include the latest news regarding SCAD and the research studies underway at Mayo Clinic. In the evening, all will gather at a local restaurant for the second annual banquet to share memories and forge new friendships.

For those not able to attend, SCAD Research offers the option to join in spirit as a “virtual walker.”.

Both registered walkers and virtual walkers can help to raise additional money by forming a team of family/friends/co-workers to financially sponsor them. Simply indicate your desire to form a team on the registration form and the walk coordinators will create your team and send you a link for distribution via social media and email.

To register for the Second Annual 5K Walk/Fun Run for SCAD Research, click:


To support the event as a virtual walker, click:


Comprehensive details for the weekend’s events can be found on the event’s page.